8th Presentation | Quantum machine learning: an exciting novel path | Dimitris Koutromanos

You can watch presentation’s rercording here!
NanoAI welcomes Dimitris Koutromanos who will present his work, titled “Quantum machine learning: an exciting novel path”.
As always, an open discussion will follow.
When? September 16th, 15:30 Greece
Description: How can one combine Machine Learning (ML) with Quantum Computing (QC) to form new computation and programming paradigms? Our presentation will overview Quantum Machine Learning (QML): a new field which lies in the intersection of the aforementioned two domains of knowledge. ML studies how computers can learn from data and how to solve problems through an implicit, data-driven form of “programming”. QC is the field that studies the information processing with devices and algorithms based on quantum theory laws. Inspired by them and combinining practices from both fields, QML creates ML models and algorithms based entirely or partially on QC devices. It investigates the potential “quantum speedups” that QC has to offer in the machine learning context. The presentation is a mild introduction to the domain, showing the main contributions, opportunities and challenges of this exciting new field of science.
Dimitris Koutromanos is a Software Engineer, Surveying Engineer, Quantum Computing and Machine Learning enthusiast, Interested in Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics. He studied Rural and Surveying Engineering in NTUA. Currently working as Software Engineer.
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