Nano-AI is an open platform supported by NCSR Demokritos aiming to bridge the gap between natural sciences and artificial intelligence.
By communicating and exchanging knowledge and perspectives, domain experts can benefit from technological advancements, and vice versa.
As the volume of data in natural sciences increases rapidly, data-driven approaches and particularly machine learning, are able to provide tailored solutions for a wide range of data-intensive tasks.
A barrier often hindering the full potential of artificial intelligence in practical settings is the inability to establish common ground between technology experts and end-users.
Nano-AI tackles the above by :
- establishing a reference point for communication and networking
- organizing open seminars, talks and workshops
- storing tools and knowledge in one place
- unifying practices and terminologies
- making artificial intelligence accessible and intuitive
- developing tools applicable in natural sciences
- collecting or building reference datasets/baselines
- meeting on a regular basis to exchange thoughts and ideas